


373 N Van Buren Street
Rockville, MD 20850

Invoice Number INV-0092
Invoice Date May 11, 2021
Total Due $2,500.00
Don Bustos

Greenroots Institute
PO Box 5045
EspaƱola, NM 87533

Scope of Work

  • Design a logo for Greenroots Institute
  • Create the design and complete back-end work for a website for Greenroots Institute
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceSub Total
1 Logo and website design

As per agreement with Don Bustos and Christina Roessler, this invoice covers project payment for logo and website design for Greenroots Institute. The agreed upon project period was January through May, 2021 with full payment upon project completion. The payment agreement for project completion is $2,500.

Sub Total $2,500.00
Tax $0.00
Total Due $2,500.00